Monday, October 4, 2010

Urban Cow Half Marathon 10/03/10

I signed up for the Urban Cow Half Marathon about a week before the race. After running the SF Marathon the longest run was 8 miles, so I was not expecting to do well in this half marathon. Well I surprised myself and only if I knew along the way I could have made it to the podium.

I road down with my girlfriend Jenna and a few of her friends. They were doing the relay together! We got to the race about 45 mins early. When we got there I had Jenna use the KT Tape on my rotator cuff and IT Band.

The start of the race I decided to stick with the 01:50 pacer. As we got to mile 6 I felt strong and started to pick up my pace. I found myself in the rhythm and holding a great pace. Usually my IT band or rotator cuff starts to bug me, but ever since I used the KT Tape I don't have pain. At mile 10 I still had energy and was not fatigued. I decided that I would pick up the pace and push myself the rest of the way.

About a mile away from the finish line I see my Aunt and Uncle along the side cheering me on. It felt good to see them and to have their support. The last 1/2 mile was all out! I sprinted to the point where I felt like I was going to vomit or pass out! After I crossed the finish line I was ever so thankful :)

I met up with my girlfriends after they complete the race. We checked our race results and I was shocked! I ended up placing 4th in my devision. If I would have known that I would of fought for 3rd, but I had no idea.

My SF Marathon my overall pace was 08:35 and the Urban Half was 08:13. Each race I am getting faster! I am in training for CIM and my goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon! I can do it :)

Race Results:
Finished: 01:47:35
Pace: 08:13
448th of 3120
122nd of 1976
4th of 103

I find myself accomplishing my dream and becoming a faster runner! It feels great to be at this point right now :)

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it and inspires you to push yourself beyond what you think you your body can handle. Just remember it's all mental!