Friday, February 19, 2010

Who or what inspires you?

I run in honor of Savannah Lee Campbell. Savannah was only 9 years old and had Malignant Brain Tumor.
I met Savannah through her older brother James. James and I were good friends. I knew right away that their family were brave and strong. After meeting and getting to know Savannah she became my inspiration and hope. This young girl knew exactly what was going on with her and stayed strong.
She was a bright young girl who was a fighter. Just a few days ago this little girl passed away. I still will continue to run in honor of her! God bless her and her family.
I share this with you guys to remind you of who or what that inspires you in your life today. I will never forget the impact Savannah and her family had on me.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
Below are two pictures. These pictures were taken back in 2008 of Savannah and I.

She is adorable and a girl I will remember forever. I hope you have something or someone who inspires you in your life too :)


  1. Thanks for sharing this, life is short and precious and we can learn so much from amazing, brave people, especially children. She is beautiful. My thoughts with you!
