Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What a day...

I woke up this morning and started working from home... My plan was to run this afternoon and I had forgot that I had a hair apt. with Courtney Moore at San Francisco Street Salon to talk about potential hair extensions. For those of you who don't know about two months ago I tried (key word) to go platinum blond and my hair got fried. So, what I have been dealing with is sponge hair that is supper short and very damaged. Today Courtney gave me hope that she can help me get my hair back to my A line cut. So.... I am supper excited that next week I am getting extensions put in and it is going to look like my old hair cut. I hopefully no longer have to wear a hat everyday.. even though I look so cute :) in them.. and I can style it again!!! That apt. took up most of my afternoon and I visited with my friend Amy Teitscheid for a few.
Bellow I will give you a sneak preview of the before pic. that was taken about a month ago when we went to Texas to visit my boyfriends family for Thanksgiving. Next week you will see the after pic.

For this evening I am going to go to GoTa Yoga and Corry is teaching the class! Love his class and it is so renewing every time. The class kicks my ass! Then comes dinner and Mark Triebwasser is cooking dinner tonight! He's the best and can't wait to see what's on the table for tonight.

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