Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ist Soccer Game

I decided yesterday that I was going to join the soccer team that I have been on for the past four years again. I play with a coed soccer team in Elk Grove called "Last Call". I was a little skeptical to play because about a year ago i underwent surgery on my tendon and was nervous to play soccer again due to the impact.
Soccer is my place to shine.... if you know what I mean. I am so carefree and sometimes feel like it's my turn to be in the spot light! Now, I am not saying that in a conceded way and I am sure you have something similar to what I am talking about. Soccer is my passion and has been part of my life since I was five years old.
Anyways, about the game now.. LOL I started and didn't stop the entire time! In the beginning it took my lungs a little to warm up due to the cold weather. I play right defense, which I absolutely love! Lot's of us were sliding all over the field because it was really muddy. I was pretty impressed with how well I played giving the fact I have taken a year off because of my surgery. My team did not sub me out the entire game, which is sweet because I love being in the entire time!
Overall, we had a great game! We did not win the game. I forget what the score was.. I think we lost by 2 points! Next Sunday I will have to take some pictures...
Hope you enjoyed! :)

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