Monday, October 4, 2010

Urban Cow Half Marathon 10/03/10

I signed up for the Urban Cow Half Marathon about a week before the race. After running the SF Marathon the longest run was 8 miles, so I was not expecting to do well in this half marathon. Well I surprised myself and only if I knew along the way I could have made it to the podium.

I road down with my girlfriend Jenna and a few of her friends. They were doing the relay together! We got to the race about 45 mins early. When we got there I had Jenna use the KT Tape on my rotator cuff and IT Band.

The start of the race I decided to stick with the 01:50 pacer. As we got to mile 6 I felt strong and started to pick up my pace. I found myself in the rhythm and holding a great pace. Usually my IT band or rotator cuff starts to bug me, but ever since I used the KT Tape I don't have pain. At mile 10 I still had energy and was not fatigued. I decided that I would pick up the pace and push myself the rest of the way.

About a mile away from the finish line I see my Aunt and Uncle along the side cheering me on. It felt good to see them and to have their support. The last 1/2 mile was all out! I sprinted to the point where I felt like I was going to vomit or pass out! After I crossed the finish line I was ever so thankful :)

I met up with my girlfriends after they complete the race. We checked our race results and I was shocked! I ended up placing 4th in my devision. If I would have known that I would of fought for 3rd, but I had no idea.

My SF Marathon my overall pace was 08:35 and the Urban Half was 08:13. Each race I am getting faster! I am in training for CIM and my goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon! I can do it :)

Race Results:
Finished: 01:47:35
Pace: 08:13
448th of 3120
122nd of 1976
4th of 103

I find myself accomplishing my dream and becoming a faster runner! It feels great to be at this point right now :)

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it and inspires you to push yourself beyond what you think you your body can handle. Just remember it's all mental!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

San Francisco Marathon 7/25/10

After signing up for the SF Marathon I had to find where I was going to stay. I called every hotel that was near the start line and they were all booked. I didn't want to have to drive down the morning of the I kept doing my research. Few days later I remembered that I was part of the RATPack and found out that they were traveling to the race together. They already had a hotel booked at the Le Meridien, so I split the cost with two other gals.

I decided to take the Amtrak from Sacramento to SF the day before the race. Saturday morning I got on the Amtrak and took off. Let me say it was fairly early in the morning and I fell asleep instantly...p.s. with no ear plugs! After arriving in SF I took a bus that I thought was going to take me close to my hotel; however, I ended up having to take the local transit to get near my hotel. After I found the hotel and checked in I headed straight to the Expo. Picked up my race bib and signed up to be part of the 3:40 pace group. From the Expo I took a shuttle to Sport Basement, which if you have never been you should make it a must! I went there to pick up Rock Tape since that is one of the only places that carry it. If your not sure what Rock Tape is click on the name and it will take you to there website. There tape works wonders.

Not too long after getting back to the hotel it was about time for dinner. I brought my own chicken and Quinoa for dinner, but really wanted more food than that. I walked down the street looking for somewhere to get some grub. Along the sidewalk there was a sign that said organic something or and the first thing I thought of that's where I am having dinner. I walked down this ally way to this restaurant. I ordered some Greek salad with bread. All I really wanted was the bread! Not the norm, but need the carbs for the race. After dinner I headed back to the hotel to eat the rest of the food I brought. Yum yum... I was stuffed!

Finally, around 8 I met the two other gals I was rooming with. We chatted for a few and started to prepare for the race. We were checking one another just to make sure we had it seemed like I was the one with the least amount of stuff and doing the most miles. After setting everything up it was time to get my rest. We lay down to go to bed and one of the gals shouts out " now if your phone goes off I'm going to kill the person who called". To me it was so funny because I knew that it was going to be mine.
I actually slept great the night before the race. Woke up about 2.5 hours before my race. The first thing I did when I woke up was made my oatmeal and coffee. Then I started to put my clothes on and make sure that I was all set and ready to go.

Off to the race!! I had two friends who came out to support me. I met up with them before the race started. It was about 5:20am and I started to make my way to the start line. I started to get a little nervous, so I started to talk to those around me. The horn goes off and it was time to go. I started my I-Pod and Garmin GPS.
Live Update:
crossed the Bridge 7.6 Mile at 6:46 AM
Course time: 01:03:39
Pace: 08:23 min/mi
Live Update:
crossed the Half
Course time: 01:50:36
Pace: 08:27 min/mi
Live Update:
Crossed the 20 Mile at 08:31 AM
Course time: 02:48:49
Pace: 08:27 min/mi

At this point in the race is where I slowed down. My IT Band started to give me pain into my knee.
Live Update:
Crossed the finish line 26.2 Mile
Course Time: 3:44:56
Pace: 08:35 min/mi
1004 out of 0
146 out of 0
F 20-24:
13 out of 0
60.21% Place: 928
The entire race I felt strong and focused. I mentally was prepared and stuck to my training. I had the best race so far especially considering the hills. My goal was to qualify for the Boston Marathon, but was shy of 4:56. I will accomplish this in the CIM marathon in December. Good luck to you runners out there!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

IT Band Injury

I have IT Band issues when I over train and from lack of stretching. I need to make stretching just as important as every other part of my training or I am going to continue to have injuries.
I was doing some research for allison1080 and came across some good information that I wanted to share with everyone.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome -

The dull ache initially starts in the beginning of my run and last the entire run. The pain goes away after I am done running. If I continue to run and don't take time off the pain is severe and prevents me from running. At that point downhills and uneven surfaces are the worst.
The IT band tenderness or inflammation is caused by form being off, lack of stretching worn shoes, excessive hill running, uneven surfaces, and/or overtraining.

There is a lot of information out there on self-treatment and medical treatment. My advice would be to stop running if it is severe pain or even mild. There are many times that I don't stop training even when it is mild and it becomes a bigger problem in the end.
I take IBU, ice my knee, use tiger blam cream, stretch, yoga, roll out on foam roller or straight PVC pipe. I am one to give advice on this and need to take it in myself. I am not perfect by all means, but please don't make the same mistakes I have made. It can be painful and takes longer to recover. I can say from personal experience it is so hard to stop running especially in the middle of my training. I have to remind myself that I can still swim and bike.. It is soooo important to take time off when IT Band pain starts to occur! I can't stress it enough!!!
Ice religiously..... stretch stretch stretch.... take something for inflammation.... AND DONT RUN

Friday, February 19, 2010

Who or what inspires you?

I run in honor of Savannah Lee Campbell. Savannah was only 9 years old and had Malignant Brain Tumor.
I met Savannah through her older brother James. James and I were good friends. I knew right away that their family were brave and strong. After meeting and getting to know Savannah she became my inspiration and hope. This young girl knew exactly what was going on with her and stayed strong.
She was a bright young girl who was a fighter. Just a few days ago this little girl passed away. I still will continue to run in honor of her! God bless her and her family.
I share this with you guys to remind you of who or what that inspires you in your life today. I will never forget the impact Savannah and her family had on me.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
Below are two pictures. These pictures were taken back in 2008 of Savannah and I.

She is adorable and a girl I will remember forever. I hope you have something or someone who inspires you in your life too :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Recipe # 3

Banana Oatmeal Cookies
Yummy... Delicious!

3 bananas (not ripe, best if 4-5 days old)
2 cups of whole oats
1 cup of cranberries or dates (no pits)
1/3 cup oil
1 tbsp vanilla

Mix all ingredients together and let it sit for 15 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

This is a great recipe for those who crave sweets... I sure do and there is no better cookie than this. It hits the spot every time for me! Let me know what you think if you try them out! Enjoy :)

Recipe # 2

Stir Fry!!

Ingredients: (FYI, everything is from Trader Joes)
3 large pieces of chicken
1 bag of broccoli (already sliced)
1/2 bag of carrots (already shredded)
1 bag of stir fry vegetables (use whatever you prefer)
3/4 (of jar) General Tsao stir fry sauce
chili flakes to taste
sea salt and black peppercorns to taste
Brown or white rice (whatever you prefer)

Slice chicken into long strips. Put olive oil in the bottom of a big frying pan, then place chicken in pan. Turn the burner on medium heat (which on mine is a 5 or 5 1/2). Cook the chicken until it is done and then drain some of the juice out of the pan (not all of it because then it will dry the chicken out). I coat the top of the chicken with chili flakes, sea salt and black peppercorns. Then I throw in the stir fry vegetables, broccoli and carrots. I mix it all up and let it cook until the vegetables and soft but not mushy. I then add General Tsao stir fry sauce to it and let it simmer for about 5 minutes or so. I Buy the frozen rice that cooks in 3 minutes, so if you don't make sure to cook the rice way before you start the stir fry.. You know those rice cookers can take forever!! :)) After it' all done I place the rice in the bottom of the bowl and the stir fry on top.

I hope you guys enjoy like we did! I have many other recipes, so if your craving something or need ideas please twitter or facebook me. I would love to give you ideas. :))

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Beals Point Trail Run Race

I ran the Folsom Lake Trail Run Series today and the race went better than what I anticipated. I have been slacking on my training and didn't think that I was honestly going to be able to finish 11.5 miles.
This morning I woke up at 6am and it took me 30 minutes to get out of bed...that's what happens when I go to bed too late! So I got out of bed around 6:30 and got ready. My pre-race meal was 1/2 cup of oat meal with 1/2 cup of soy milk. Then I added a handful of mixed raisins and a spoon full of Nuttzo .
So i get to the race and I am on the volunteer staff to help with set up and take down. I get there about 7:15am and let me tell you it was cold! However, I was prepared and wore tons of layers to solve that problem.
After helping with set up, registration and anything else that was asked of me it was about time to start. Now it's 9am and for some reason I am a little nervous. I was more nervous for this race than I was for my marathon I did back in 2008 (kinda odd).
Off we go and the race began! We go around the first corner and I was surprised to see my boyfriend Mark there! He came out to support and cheer me on! How awesome is that :) Super stocked to see him!
I started off with a moderate pace, so I didn't burn myself out. For those who were running the long course we had to follow the pink, orange and blue ribbon and then reverse on the way back! That was simple and from what I heard no one go lost this time.
I was about three miles into the race and the course veers to the left up these hills which are known as the three bitches! At that point my mind was telling me walk up them, but I had to remind myself I have been here before! Almost everyone walks them and I told myself run up these hills. I get to the top and I am out of breath!! :)) LOL lucky me and I look ahead and it's all down hill for about 1/2 mile.
Everything was going well and I hit the turn around mark... I started to notice at mile 7 that I was compensating my right ankle with my left leg. My left calf muscle was starting to get sore. At this point I had to start telling myself "right leg" "right leg" over and over again. The problem was not pain related it was the fact that my mind has been used to compensating for my ankle. Once I started doing that I notice how I began to use my right leg.... Amazing how powerful the mind is in any sport you do.
When I was about 1 mile away from the finish line I started to pick up my pace. Once I could see the finish line I gave it all I got. I finished the 11.5 miles in 1:45, which was better than I thought I would do. I felt accomplished and proud that I did it!! Immediately after I finished the race my boyfriend Mark had an recovery drink ready for me! Thanks babe I really needed that :))
Overall the race went well! I did not have any other issues other than over compensating for my right ankle. I was supper stocked that I finished it and did not have side aches or pain. Hope the rest of my races are like this.. Ha ha ha only if.. they are all so different!
Good luck on your running adventures and remember you can do anything that you put your mind to!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Hairdo

Today, I went and got hair extensions and I am so impressed with the way they turned out... Now, if you read back in my blog I got my hair fried about 3 months ago.... I have been trying to let it grow, but honestly she F***** it up and every hair dresser says they have not seen it this bad!
So.... I have posted the before and after pictures to give a visual of what I am talking about!



....Keep in mind these pictures are taken after weights and yoga today... :)))
I am glad I finally feel like I have hair on my head. LOL I never realized how much my hair meant to me until this happened. It is so true that you never realize how much someone or something means to you until it's gone.
My hair stylist Courtney from San Fransisco Street Salon and Spa has made me feel like a million bucks again! Courtney told me that I will not see or feel any results with my hair repairing for at least a year... if that puts it into perspective for you! I keep trying anything from protein treatments... to hair products... but it is just going to take time!
This is a point where I am learning patients because I have no choice. So here is my new look for now and who knows when it will change! :)))

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ist Soccer Game

I decided yesterday that I was going to join the soccer team that I have been on for the past four years again. I play with a coed soccer team in Elk Grove called "Last Call". I was a little skeptical to play because about a year ago i underwent surgery on my tendon and was nervous to play soccer again due to the impact.
Soccer is my place to shine.... if you know what I mean. I am so carefree and sometimes feel like it's my turn to be in the spot light! Now, I am not saying that in a conceded way and I am sure you have something similar to what I am talking about. Soccer is my passion and has been part of my life since I was five years old.
Anyways, about the game now.. LOL I started and didn't stop the entire time! In the beginning it took my lungs a little to warm up due to the cold weather. I play right defense, which I absolutely love! Lot's of us were sliding all over the field because it was really muddy. I was pretty impressed with how well I played giving the fact I have taken a year off because of my surgery. My team did not sub me out the entire game, which is sweet because I love being in the entire time!
Overall, we had a great game! We did not win the game. I forget what the score was.. I think we lost by 2 points! Next Sunday I will have to take some pictures...
Hope you enjoyed! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Gluten-Free" Girls night!

Last night my neighbor Annie had a "gluten-free" girls night at her house! I was for sure in on this one and loved the fact that it was gluten-free. There were 7 of us and we all had a great time! The food was amazing and same with the Spanish wine that someone brought.... People were very creative with appetizers and coarse meals.
Towards the end of our evening we all started to do the dish...... which below is a pic. of us cleaning up!

Then, Annie asked us if we wanted some port to help digest our food! Of coarse we said "YES".... Annie pored one too many glasses, so she pulls out this random funnel out and pores it back into the port bottle! LOL

Let Me add that the dessert was to die for. It's brown rice, Peanut Butter, honey and top it off w/ Rocky road ice cream and nuts! God I thought i died and went to heaven last night.... It was soooo good :)) May sound strange but the brown rice gave it a nutty flavor! Us gals had a great time and we are going to be doing the girls night more often.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What a day...

I woke up this morning and started working from home... My plan was to run this afternoon and I had forgot that I had a hair apt. with Courtney Moore at San Francisco Street Salon to talk about potential hair extensions. For those of you who don't know about two months ago I tried (key word) to go platinum blond and my hair got fried. So, what I have been dealing with is sponge hair that is supper short and very damaged. Today Courtney gave me hope that she can help me get my hair back to my A line cut. So.... I am supper excited that next week I am getting extensions put in and it is going to look like my old hair cut. I hopefully no longer have to wear a hat everyday.. even though I look so cute :) in them.. and I can style it again!!! That apt. took up most of my afternoon and I visited with my friend Amy Teitscheid for a few.
Bellow I will give you a sneak preview of the before pic. that was taken about a month ago when we went to Texas to visit my boyfriends family for Thanksgiving. Next week you will see the after pic.

For this evening I am going to go to GoTa Yoga and Corry is teaching the class! Love his class and it is so renewing every time. The class kicks my ass! Then comes dinner and Mark Triebwasser is cooking dinner tonight! He's the best and can't wait to see what's on the table for tonight.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Recipe #1

Tonight I cooked sweet chili chicken with BBQ asparagus. I also cook Quinoa (if you have never heard of it it is a type of grain that has more protein than brown rice).
**All ingredients are from Trader Joes**

Organic Quinoa
4 cups of chicken broth
2-3 boneless, skinless chicken breast
4 Tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, thinly sliced
1 red bell pepper, seeded and thinly sliced
1 yellow bell pepper, seeded and thinly sliced
5 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
20 leaves fresh sweet basil, julienne
Parmesan cheese, grated
salt and pepper, to taste
steak seasoning
garlic salt
Portuguese bread

First things first!!
2 cups of Quinoa
prepared with chicken stock
4 cups of chicken broth
If you have a rice cooker that is going to be the best way to cook the Quinoa.
Start that first cuz it takes the longest!
Preheat over at 375
Put 2-3 chicken breast (depending on if your feeding athletes.. tend to eat more) in a glass dish
Make sure to spray the pan with olive oil spray
Coat the top of eat chicken breast with red chili flakes and group pepper
Poor an entire bottle of sweet chili sauce over the chicken breast
Bake until chicken is cooked all the way through
Put onion, bell peppers; saute for 1 or 2 minutes; add garlic and saute until peppers become slightly limp, but still bright, about 1 or 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Remove the pan from heat; add basil and quinoa. Toss until basil wilts. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese before serving.
BBQ the asparagus on low heat. Coat asparagus with olive oil, steak seasoning and garlic salt. BBQ until crispy, BUT not burnt!
Slice the bread and spread butter on each slice. Place in the oven for about 15 minutes (just as the chicken is finishing).

Hope your turns out as good as mine does. If you have any questions or something does not make sense please feel free to twitter me or facebook me and I will explain. Now make sure you check on the asparagus because I forgot about mine tonight and burned all but 5 of them... LOL those barely made it.


About a week ago I started to go to yoga at Go Ta Yoga in Old Town Folsom. I debate all the time on going (due to the fact I hate stretching), but once I am done I am so glad I went. Last night yoga was bad ass!!! I could hardly hold myself in the poses the entire time. He had us doing a lot of core work...
When I go to a yoga class I want to feel like I accomplished something after wards. When I go to Go Ta Yoga I get something out of it every time. I am probably the most inflexible person and my goal is to become more flexible over the year. My challenge to myself is to go to yoga 5 days a week for 2 months. I am taking this personal challenge on because I need to be more flexible and I honestly hate stretching (it's key to an athletes daily routine).
If you live in the area you should try it out. They have $10 for 10 days right now. I go to Corry or James class!! Hope to see you there

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resting = Discipline

Okay... How many of you don't like to take days off or miss a work out? Well your not alone!
Yesterday, when I woke up I had a sore throat and my body was aching. I knew from those signs that I was getting a cold. I was supposed to run 90 mins and I knew if I did I would not get better. It took everything in me not to go run yesterday and my boyfriend heard a lot of bitching...
It was my second day off in a row and I felt like shit! All I could think about it how bad I wanted to something... run/yoga/weights/swim... But I finally gave up when it was 4:30pm and started to get dark. Then the excuse was not enough light instead of my feeling lazy.
What I realized through yesterdays experience was the importance of rest and discipline. It took everything in me, even though I felt like crap, to not go do my workout. Your body needs rest to recover even if your sick or if you as supposed to have a day off. It is one of the hardest things to grasp onto as an athlete. I like to see and feel the results right away and that's not the case in my citation. I need to work on allowing my body to rest when it needs it and that takes discipline.
I woke up today and feel 10 times better. I realized that if I did not give my body the rest it needed I would feel worse today and probably be out for 5 days.
So, to all of you athletes out there (especially those who are new at) this listen to your body and make sure to rest. It is key to your recovery and training. I have learned the hard way through over running, which then I tore a tendon and had to get surgery over a year ago. Don't make the same mistakes I did and always remember listen to your body. Your ego or whatever it is may get in the way, but tune into your body and really think about whats going on.
Discipline! Rest! Discipline!